PINK DIAMOND Scaffolding Pty Ltd, in consultation with its employees and relevant contractors, identifies training needs in relation to performing work activities competently, including OH&S training. Procedures are in place to ensure that OH&S competencies are developed and maintained. Personnel are assessed as competent, on the basis of skills achieved through education, training or experience, to perform assigned tasks taking into account the OH&S obligations, hazards and risks associated with the work activities.
Procedures have been developed to provide OH&S training. These procedures cover:
PINK DIAMOND Scaffolding Pty Ltd ensures that all personnel have undertaken training appropriate to the specified employee’s tasks. Training is carried out by persons with appropriate knowledge, skills and experience in OH&S and training.
PINK DIAMOND Scaffolding Pty Ltd maintains records of skills, competences and training for all employees. These records are reviewed periodically to ensure that they are up to date and relevant. During the review process, any training needs, including OH&S, are identified and a training program established.
PINK DIAMOND Scaffolding Pty Ltd has developed a skills matrix for each position to ensure that employees have the necessary skills and experience to perform their duties effectively and safely. Compliance with the skills matrix will be assessed on the basis of skills achieved through education, training or experience to perform assigned tasks. The skills matrix identifies the hazards and risks associated with the task and records the employee's competency to work safely.
The OH&S committee conducts a regular and systematic review of training methods to ensure that they are relevant and effective. During these reviews, the committee will examine trend and historical data from reports to determine the need for changes to training methods.
Whenever an employee is deemed to fall short of the skills necessary to perform their work effectively and safely, immediate action is taken to rectify the situation. On completion of training, the responsible supervisor or manager ensures that the training is satisfactory and records the details appropriately.
A competency review is completed at three months following the training to ensure that the re-training was effective and a note to this effect is made in the training record.
Before an employee is allowed to commence work or be in the vicinity of the work site, the responsible supervisor or manager will ensure that they have received appropriate training, including minimum OH&S (General Site Induction Card, for all onsite employees). The responsible supervisor or manager will ensure that the employee is made aware of the hazards and risks present and ensure that all protective clothing and equipment is available and in they are trained in its use.
OH&S training shall be carried out by appropriately trained and experienced personnel. The manager or supervisor will check the necessary skills, experience and knowledge before authorising that person to commence. Where the training involves plant, equipment or materials for which specific qualifications, licences or knowledge is required, the trainer must be qualified to deliver that training.
If you have any questions please feel free to call or return this email for a quick response.